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Sneaky Bluegills

Exploring the clever tactics of sneaker males in bluegill sunfish reproduction.

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Hello, you fabulous human bean.Welcome to another Daily Fun Fact From Flora.So now we have discussed sexual selection in the role of pre-copulatory selection and polyandry and sperm competition in the role of post-copulatory selection.Males now have to pick whether they want to invest more in the pre-copulatory selection OR post-copulatory selection.This might sound a bit stupid. You may think that not investing in pre-copulatory selection is pointless. FLORA — what is the point in having good sperm if you can’t even get it into a female ?! Well, actually sometimes you can, but it requires a bit of sneakiness.Let’s have a look at the bluegill sunfish , a freshwater species found in lakes in the USA.

There are two types of males. (I know wtf).You have parental males and sneaker males. Parental males take 5 or 6 yearsto reach maturity, they’re large and they defend territories. These territories are used to attract females who lay their eggs in them and the males will look after the eggs. Sneaker males are MUCH smaller and has a much larger proportion of his bodysize allocated to his testes. Also, instead of wasting time with all this territory-guarding business he just waits til a female comes by one of the other males" territories.Then ,when she lays her eggs he releases LOADS of sperm in the hopes of fertilising the eggs before the parental male does.This may sound ridiculous. A male that has been carefully guarding his territory isn’t going to let some other male come in at the last moment and, quite literally, fuck things up.But what if the sneaker males looked just like females.
A close up of a fishDescription automatically generated
A close up of a fishDescription automatically generated
The fish on the leftis the parental male.The fish on the rightis the female. The fish in the middleIS the SNEAKER MALE.
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YES. Sneaker males look EXACTLY LIKE FEMALES so they can freely wander onto the parental male’s territory, fertilise the REAL female’s eggs and then fuck off , leaving the other male to look after his kids.As we have mentioned before, this will only work if the dis honest signal is less frequent than the honest signal. Otherwise the parental males will catch on.The sneaker males have to be sufficiently rare that the parental males will always assume that a female-looking fish on his territory is in fact female.Hope you enjoyed this crazy fish fact.Love to you,Flora xxxx

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