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Coconut Crab Power

Exploring the incredible strength of coconut crabs and their unique biology.

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Hello and welcome to another Fun Fact From Flora ,

We are back on our pincer hype train and today we look at the strongest of the strong — the coconut crab . Phwoar, it just sounds hench doesn’t it?

Claws celebre: Coconut crabs have worlds strongest pinch, study
Claws celebre: Coconut crabs have worlds strongest pinch, study

You can see that they are pretty beefy looking animals. They can get up to 50cm across (seriously though think about how big that is) and weigh 4 kilos. That is larger than any other arthropod living on land.

SIDE NOTE : The largest land arthropod that has ever lived was a millipede-looking animal that lived about 300 million years ago called Arthropleura . Its fossil was found on a beach in north England and it was 2.6m long (the same length as a small car) and is believed to have weighed the same as a large dog . I believe the scientific response to that is * eugh *. Also I adore the NHM’s recreation of this animal because it looks like a school cut and stick project:

An artists impression of Arthropleura on a beach
An artists impression of Arthropleura on a beach


Firstly, I am seriously baffled by some people on the internet (I mean that’s nothing new). There are videos where people give coconut crabs items to crush to show their incredible claw power .Of all the objects that they could have given this coconut crab to destroy in an impressive show of strength, they chose a ball point pen.

WATCH: The monster coconut crab with a pinch MORE powerful than a LION
WATCH: The monster coconut crab with a pinch MORE powerful than a LION

You know, one of the very few items I can snap all by myself is a ball point pen ? And even more bizarre is HOW CLOSE THIS PERSON GETS THEIR FINGERS TO THESE LETHAL CRUSHING CLAWS.

Some people’s brains intrigue me, they really do.


Coconut crabs are related to hermit crabs of all things. And actually the juveniles live in little shells underwater for the first portion of their life. Then they climb on land, discard the shell and their carapace (exoskeleton) hardens. In fact, when they are juveniles they actually look thoroughly adorable.

Juvenile coconut crabs (Birgus latro) use empty gastropod shells for
Juvenile coconut crabs (Birgus latro) use empty gastropod shells for

It’s only when they grow up that they start looking so ridiculously hench. Remind you of anyone?

Coconut Crab In Water / Water Juvenile Coconut Crab Relative Hermit Red
Coconut Crab In Water / Water Juvenile Coconut Crab Relative Hermit Red
Larry the Lobster | Nickelodeon | Fandom
Larry the Lobster | Nickelodeon | Fandom

Just saying.

So some researchers decided to measure the pinching strength of these bad boys. Those claws are pretty huge — makes sense.

What the researchers were not expecting to find is that they can pinch with over 330kg of force. I am going to say that again.


That’s the same as the bite force of a LION .

If you take that in relation to its body size its stronger than all other animals, apart from only one. The animal that beats it is a saltwater crocodile (which to be fair has a bite to body size ratio similar to that of a T. rex so you win some you lose some you know).

BUT STRONGER THAN A LION. Man, that’s cool.

Coconut crabs bone-crushing grip is 10 times stronger than ours | New
Coconut crabs bone-crushing grip is 10 times stronger than ours | New
Squeeze it. Squeeze it. Squeeeeeeeze it.

The researchers did say that the research was challenging because they did get nipped a few times themselves. That is especially challenging because the crab often doesn’t want to let go once it has got you.

Once again I did this without any professional software. I know.

But there is a trick! If you ever get pinched by the strongest crustacean in the world — here is the advice. The Micronesians of the Line Islands have a strategy: gentle titillation of the under soft parts of the body with any light material will cause the crab to loosen its hold .

Gentle titillation guys, you know what that means.


I love science, man.

Are these the 20 most boring facts ever discovered? | Metro News
Are these the 20 most boring facts ever discovered? | Metro News
Don’t worry I know this is not a crab. This is a slow loris surprisingly there are very few GIFs of people tickling crabs on the internet.

Okay, but Flora why does this crab need such crazy strength?

They are solitary animals and very aggressive. And because, unlike their hermit cousins, they are not constrained by having to stay small to fit in a shell , they could evolve to be massive and hella strong.

They are also voracious predators , ripping the tough husks of coconuts apart (hence the name) and eating just about anything they can find. Sometimes this means taking down birds and small mammals.

OOF. Full video here
if that is your bag. Not the best camera skillz but still pretty knarly.
** Phwoar that’s a chunky crustacean.

Hope you enjoyed.

Best fishes,


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Time Out GIF - Red Pandas Pandas Fall - Discover & Share GIFs
Time Out GIF - Red Pandas Pandas Fall - Discover & Share GIFs

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