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Butterfly Mimics Uncovered

Exploring the clever survival tactics of butterfly mimics.

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Hola b,

Pls let me explain some cool science about being a butterfly mimic in the biological world cos it is a tough business but some have found a little loophole.

The big problem being a mimic, especially as a butterfly, is that you are vulnerable as soon as you start doing really well. Your cover only works as long as you are rarer than the species that you are trying to mimic. As soon as you’re more common you’re fucked because the predator catches on and realises that you aren’t poisonous — in fact you’re very tasty — and thus munches on you until you’re rare enough again to be hidden by the toxic butterfly.

If only there was a way out OH WAIT THERE IS.

All these sexy looking butterflies are actually females of one species , but each is a different shape/colour to resembles a DIFFERENT TOXIC SPECIES OF BUTTERFLY. So this means that you can have loads more of your species because you’re mimicking lots of different species instead of just mimicking one.


A picture containing cake, table, brown, differentDescription automatically generated
A picture containing cake, table, brown, differentDescription automatically generated

Love you xxx

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