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Ants Are Fascinating

Discover the incredible world of army and honeypot ants.

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OKAY I COULDN"T HELP MYSELF — you’re getting something about ants again and I"m not even sorry about it. It’s a little one today after the rather chunky fact of yesterday.

Firstly, we look at army ants.

Ants are eusocial — so are divided up into different castes (or groups) within their social hierarchy. Some of the groups are workers and some are breeders. The army ants have soldiers that are workers and they will venture out into the wide world and forage for insects, small lizards and even small mammals.

Now I know what you’re thinking

Flora — an ant cannot catch a mouse. And EVEN if it could there is no way it could carry it back to the colony .

Oh just you wait.

Look at this bad boi.



These guys are actually totally useless for all other help in the colony because their jaws are so massive they can’t really do anything else apart from find food and attack (ahh how relatable).

But what is SUPER COOL is that these jaws are SO POWERFUL that you can literally use them to staple wounds closed.

Warning creepy images ahead

Animals Help Heal: A Stitch in Time, Saves Lives?
Animals Help Heal: A Stitch in Time, Saves Lives?

Yes these are ant heads ^^

Army Ants Are Being Used To Stitch Up Wounds In The
Army Ants Are Being Used To Stitch Up Wounds In The

You literally get it to bite on and then snap off its body. Its grip is so strong that it will hold the edges of the wound together.

Holy fuckballs amirite.


(sorry ants are really cool)

These are honeypot ants. They divide up their workers a little differently. They have one caste that is literally referred to as a “living larder”. They are so fat they can’t move or do anything to help the colony. Instead they get fed up lots of sugar and carbohydrates which they store in their extended abdomens and then are used as a food reserve for the others.

And they look totally ridiculous.

Would you like some Honeypot Ants for dinner, Honey
Would you like some Honeypot Ants for dinner, Honey

Now that is one sweet arse.

Love to you,


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